Athlete Inside - Week 3

Athlete Inside - Week 3

Posted by Scott Farquharson on

Week 3: Find a Friend!

This week things get a little tougher as we increase the sets and reps, so go get yourself a friend- find someone who will motivate you so you can push each other! Having the support of someone else as you go through this challenge is huge- a great athlete has a team to rally them.

Exercise should be fun, so go to a park, put on some music and knock out these workouts!  The exercises this week are less complicated so I want the focus to be on SPEED. The last workout of the week will be a partner workout so you will need a friend!

(All exercise descriptions used throughout the program can be found here)

Workout #1:
Instructions: Perform all exercises 1 time through, then 2, 3,4, etc all the way to 20; perform AFAP.

Prison Squats: 1-20 reps
Push Ups: 1-20 reps
Crunches: 1-20 reps

Workout #2:
Instructions: Perform each exercise 5 times, then 10, 15…etc; perform AFAP.

Step Back Lunges: 5,10,15,20 reps
Tricep Push Ups: 5,10,15,20 reps
Superman’s: 5,10,15,20 reps
Leg Lifts: 5,10,15,20 reps
Crunches: 5,10,15,20 reps

Workout #3:
Instructions: Complete 100 reps of each exercise AFAP, any order you want.

Push Ups: 100 reps
Sit Ups: 100 reps
Bodyweight Squats: 100 reps
Leg Lifts: 100 reps
Burpees: 100 reps
Lunges: 100 reps

Workout #4:
*Be sure to check out our YouTube channel for this week’s Workout #4 video!
Instructions: Grab a partner for this workout! Perform each circuit for 1 minute, alternating exercises every 5 reps.

Circuit 1 (1:00)
Push Ups: 5 reps x 3 sets
V-Ups:  5 reps x 3 sets
Circuit 2 (1:00)
Burpees: 5 reps x 3 sets
Planks: 5 reps x 3 sets
Split Squats: 10-1 ladder each leg
Leg Throws: 15 each
Hand Touch: 20 touches

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